has a text interface, enabling you to use text messages to report scores, update game status's, get
game information and more. To use it, text any of the following commands to (205) 235-5288
from the
mobile number setup in your user settings. uses your caller ID number to authenticate you. understands many commands which are listed below. Commands are shown in upper case in this help for clarity, but commands are case-insensitive. You only have to specify enough letters of a command to make it unique from all other valid commands. For example, "SC" is enough letters for the system to know it is a SCORE command.
SCORE <game id> <home score> <away score> [<ref notes>]
<game id>
is the game's id (either the auto-assigned number or the manually entered id)
<home score>
is the home team's score (integer)
<away score>
is the away team's score (integer)
<ref notes>
is optional. Any words after the away score are considered ref notes. If provided
they will be appended to the official's notes.
Description: The SCORE command lets you update the score of a game. Note that you can only update games that you are assigned to. If the status is Normal then it is changed to Complete.
Example: sc 1234 3 4
- sets the score for game 1234 to 3-4.
STATUS <game id> <new status>
<game id>
is the game's id (either the auto-assigned number or the manually entered id)
<new status>
is a status string. One of Normal, Complete, Cancelled, Suspended, Rained Out,
Forfeit, or Postponed.
Description: The STATUS command lets you update the status of a game that you have permission to change. Only the first few letters of a status are required. For example, "n" is enough letters for the system to recognize that the status is Normal.
Example: st 1234 can
- sets the status for game 1234 to Cancelled.
SEND <text type>
<text type>
is the type of text messages to start sending, one of CHANGE, REMINDER, ASSIGNMENT
or ALL.
Description: The SEND command tells the system to enable sending various types of text messages. CHANGE means game change text messages. REMINDER means reminder text messages. ASSIGNMENT means assignment text messages. ALL means all text messages. Only the first few letters of text type is required to uniquely identify the type.
Example: send cha
- enables sending change text messages.
STOP <text type>
QUIT <text type>
<text type>
is the type of text messages to stop sending, one of CHANGE, REMINDER, ASSIGNMENT
or ALL.
Description: The STOP or QUIT command tells the system to disable sending various types of text messages. CHANGE means game change text messages. REMINDER means reminder text messages. ASSIGNMENT means assignment text messages. ALL means all text messages. Only the first few letters of text type is required to uniquely identify the type.
Example: stop all
- disables sending all text messages.
ACCEPT [<game id>]
<game id>
is the game's id (either the auto-assigned number or the manually entered id). This
parameter is optional if there is only one game pending.
Description: The ACCEPT command tells the system that you accept a game you have been assigned to and is pending. If there is only one game pending, the game id is optional.
Example: ac 1234
- accepts a pending assignment to game 1234.
DECLINE <game id>
<game id>
is the game's id (either the auto-assigned number or the manually entered id).
Description: The DECLINE command tells the system that you decline a game you have been assigned to. You can decline a game that is pending or has already been accepted.
Example: de 1234
- declines assignment to game 1234.